Matobo Conservation Society

This is the Matobo Conservation Society (MCS) web portal. Here you will find details about the Matobo Conservation Society and its activities. You will also find a wealth of information about the Matobo World Heritage Site in Zimbabwe.

The downloadable resources include maps and checklists for those who plan to visit the Matobo Hills, plus for those interested in the society, the constitution and a list of project work undertaken.

We are a membership-based organisation run by a small and dynamic committee that meet every month. If you are interested in becoming a member of the society to support our conservation efforts, then follow the details on the Apply to Join page. We also welcome international members.

Our recent newsletters can be viewed in the Blog Section, other newsletters can be opened or downloaded from the Newsletter Archives page

Latest News from MCS


1 – MATOBO HILLS CELEBRATES 2023 is an auspicious year for the Matopos: Sixtieth anniversary of the Matopos Black Eagle Survey, 1963 See our special article (number 6 below) Thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Matobo Conservation Society, 1993 See the...


1 – MATOBO HILLS SHORT VIDEOS Your committee has been busy working with Daniel Lasker to produce a series of short films on the Matopos to be included on our web site, and used for introduction and promotional purposes.  The first video was an introduction to the...


1 – MCS COMMITTEE 2023 After our AGM and subsequent first committee meeting, the following members were elected as follows: Chairman Gavin Stephens Vice-Chairman Neil Rix Treasurer TBA Secretary Gaynor Lightfoot Membership Jean Whiley Committee Members Verity Bowman,...


1 – END OF AN ERA The death of HM Queen Elizabeth II certainly marked the end of an era.  HM visited Zimbabwe (then Southern Rhodesia) during the Royal Tour of 1947, and visited our magnificent hills.  To mark the passing of HM we share some pictures from her visit to...


1 – SPRING Winter changed to spring in late July, and the sun returned after weeks of miserable grey cloud and chill winds.  The Matopos basked in the relative warmth, and it was time to get out again.  And as always, the Matopos had plenty to offer.  Great dwalas in...


1 – MATOPOS RHINO PROJECT Visitors to the National Park will have noticed a nearly 8km long, 1.8m high field fence that has been erected alongside the main Kezi Road from approximately Three Sisters to the ZRP Police station. This ambitious project has been made...