Matopos Heritage MTB Challenge

Date: 26-30 March 2025
This is a three-day event, check-in and dinner on Wed, on bikes on Thu/Fri/Sat, and breakfast before travel home on Sun
Unpaid registrations will automatically be deleted on 1st December 2024, so slots will become available for wait-listed entries
- All participants, including supporters, are required to complete the online registration per the link above
- You will be required to accept the indemnity and waiver BEFORE entering your information
- This event is usually oversubscribed within a few days of entries opening. Entries after the first 100 riders will be waitlisted
The Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe’s ancient landscape full of mystery and fascination is Zimbabwe’s largest World Heritage Site, in excess of 3,000 km2 and is the country’s only UNESCO Cultural Landscape Site.
The Matobo Hills is over 2.5 billion years old, and has hosted mankind for the past 400,000 years. Within the historic area is found the greatest concentration of rock art to be found anywhere in the world – and this will feature in the Heritage Ride. The hills have been a retreat not just for the bushman, but for various Bantu tribes, culminating in the 1896 Uprising. The hills are a burial ground of Kings and Heroes, and a tapestry of forts and battlefields, through which we will pass.
The Hills also posses the greatest variety of tree species south of the Zambezi, a diffusion of plant species, and a rich legacy of rare and unique plants. It also plays home to the greatest variety of birds of prey in the globe, the largest population of black eagle and the longest running bird study anywhere in the world. It is reputed to have the biggest leopard population to be found anywhere, and contains both black and white rhino. The largest black mambas are also found here – but we’ll do our best to avoid those! And of course at the bottom of the food chain is a huge population of dassie (rock hyrax) that sustains so much of the predator pyramid.
The Rhodes Matopos National Park, or Matobo National Park, is one of the oldest in the country, with its origins in the will of CJ Rhodes who Left his Matopos estate to the benefit of the people of Bulawayo. Today we will take up that legacy and use the hills for two days of hard recreational activity as we run through this special place.
Matobo MTB Objective & Sponsors
The Matobo Heritage Ride aims to show participants some of the little-visited areas of the Matobo World Heritage Site. The route originally went from the Western to Eastern boundaries of the WHS, but this has been modified to improve the logistics
This event relies on sponsorship. Our gold-level sponsors are Halsted’s, Satib and Stanbic

MTB Contact Information
Gavin Stephens
- Phone – +263 (0)9 79241/9 (office hours)
Des Stephens
- Phone – +263 (0)9 230708 (office hours)
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Matobo MTB Regulations & Compulsory Kit
Regulations / Conditions
- Solo riders are not accepted. Riders under 16 years are not accepted
- Teams must comprise 2 or 3 riders. Larger groups may ride together but teams must be split up in advance
- Teams have to stay together and members ride within 1 minute of each other. Checkpoints will be enforced
- Each team must have a second or driver. Please contact the Organising Committee if your team requires, and is willing to pay for, a service provider for seconding
- The last person to cross the finish line in each team will determine the overall time of that team
- To obtain an event placing, at least two members of that team must complete the whole event
- All competitors and seconds/drivers must attend daily briefings
- All competitors must follow the route on their GPS. No deviations allowed
- The entry/indemnity form must be signed and handed in to the organisers upon registration
- There will be no medical team following up. Please note that any medical costs, including evacuations, are for the competitors account and not the organisers
- Helmets are compulsory
- Competitors must carry extra water & snacks on the ride
- All teams will conduct themselves in a sportsmanship like manner throughout the event
- The organisers reserve the right at their discretion to disqualify, bar or refuse participation of any competitor
Compulsory Kit for all Riders
The Event Director reserves the right to conduct spot checks and to disallow any rider from starting, or continuing, without the required essentials, which are:
- Mountain Bike in roadworthy condition
- No helmet no ride
- GPS (Garmin preferred) with the route loaded. There are NO markings along the route, a GPS is essential
- Spare batteries or power-bank for GPS to last the entire challenge as charging facilities are limited
- Cell phone, fully charged and with air time. Please note there is limited cell phone network coverage in the Matobo Hills. Ask local people where the nearest signal is
- Repair Kit to include: tyre pump, tubes, puncture repair kit, chain break, quick links, spare hanger, multi-tool, tyre levers. Tubeless tyres are highly recommended
- Whistle
- Water, minimum of a litre per hour, subject to water points. Recommend camel-back or two 750ml bottles of energy drink or water
- Sufficient specialised food on the ride. There will be some food at the main water points
- ID card, Medical Aid card and some cash, US$10 (for emergency transport)
- First Aid Kit consisting of foil survival blanket, three (3) wound dressings, plasters, anti-inflammatory tablets, pain relief tablets, tweezers
- Towel and Bedding (e.g. pillow and sleeping bag). Tents and Mattresses will be provided
- Recommended extra kit: Sun block, mosquito repellent, folding chair
- Optional kit: Camera or helmet-cam
The organising committee reserve the right to alter any start time to suit daily conditions. These will be advised at the compulsory briefings at 18:00 each day
Wednesday 22th March | 14:00 Onwards – Registration at Maleme Rest Camp |
18:00 Briefing at Maleme Rest Camp, Dinner and Accommodation | |
Thursday 23th March | STAGE 1 |
07:00 RACE START at Maleme Rest Camp | |
07:00-16:00 Ride through Matobo National Park | |
18:00 Briefing at Maleme Rest Camp, Dinner and Accommodation | |
Friday 24th March | STAGE 2 |
07:00 START at Maleme Rest Camp Gate | |
07:00-16:00 Ride through Matobo East | |
18:00 Briefing at Camp Dwala, Dinner and Accommodation | |
Saturday 25th March | STAGE 3 |
07:00 START at Camp Dwala | |
07:00-16:00 Ride through Matobo East | |
17:30 Prize giving at Camp Dwala, Dinner and Accommodation | |
Sunday 26th March | Breakfast at Camp Dwala before return home |
Matobo MTB Entry
THE NEXT HERITAGE RIDE WILL BE HELD FROM 20 – 24 March 2024. The link to the online entry form is given below
You can only enter the challenge as part of a team. Team composition can be either two people or three people, although three is preferred in the event of an emergency
The organizing committee has agreed to cap the entries at 100 riders, to protect the integrity of the ride, maintain that special esprit de corps and protect the environment
The entry process is as follows:
Each team member should go into the on-line registration form (link given below) and enter all details, ensuring that the team name is identical for all members of the team. Note that incomplete forms will not be recorded. The on-line registration is a critical step as the cut will be done on the on-line database
- The maximum number of riders permitted is 100 (in teams). Registrations after this, or incomplete team/solo-rider registrations, will automatically go onto the waiting list
- Each of the first 100 on-line registrations (in teams) will receive an email containing the bank details and payment instructions
If you are planning to enter, suggest that you do the following:
- Please take the time to accurately measure your chest, so that we can order the right sizing for you
- Read the paragraph below to have all the information ready for the on-line form. You do NOT need to send the form in. As for the last two years, only on-line entries will be accepted, with cut off after the first 100 paid riders
- Click on the link below to enter your details. The team name is mandatory, as are most fields
- Ensure you go right through to the SUBMIT stage, to complete the entry
Recommend download manual entry form and print first page so that you know what information will be required on the on-line entry. The manual entry form also contains a link to the on-line entry. You are welcome to share this with other mountain-bikers
Many Thanks
Heritage Ride Race Secretary
Each team member should go into the on-line registration form and enter all details
- Email Address
- Acceptance of Indemnity Agreement & Waiver
- Team Name (Must be identical for all team members including seconds/drivers)
- First Name
- Surname
- Date of Birth
- Identity Number
- Gender
- Chest Measurement
- Cycle Jersey Size (Only for riders)
- Cycle Jersey Sleeve Length (Only for riders) LONG / SHORT
- Medical Aid Society
- Medical Aid Number
- Dietary Restrictions
- Allergies
- National Flag Country
- Telephone No (with Dialling Code)
- Residential Address 1 (House Number, Street, Suburb)
- Residential Address 2 (City/Town, Country)
- Next of Kin Name
- Next of Kin Phone No (with Dialling Code)
- Next of Kin Residential Address 1 (House Number, Street, Suburb)
- Next of Kin Residential Address 2 (City/Town, Country)
- Need Vehicle Relocated from Western to Eastern Matopos
- Registration Number of Vehicle to be Relocated
- Resident of Zimbabwe?
- Next questions only for non-residents (to assist with border formalities if required
- Mountainbike Make
- Mountainbike Serial Number
- Passport Country
- Passport Number
- Passport Expiry Date
- Planned Mode of Travel
- Planned Entry Borderpost
- Expected Date of Entry
- Approximate Time of Entry
- You will be required to sign an indemnity at check-in
- The maximum number of riders permitted is 100 (in teams). Registrations after this will automatically go onto the waiting list and will be advised in due course if places become available due to cancellations
- ALL participants, including volunteer race officials and invited sweepers MUST register on-line, as the on-line database is used for accommodation and catering planning, and for medical aid and next-of-kin information
The payment process is as follows:
- Each of the first 100 on-line registrations (in teams) will receive an email containing the bank details. Please deposit accordingly at any Stanbic branch in Zimbabwe, OR organise delivery of cash to the organising committee. In order that we can confirm the payment has reached us, payments for full teams should include the team name as reference and payments for individuals should include individual names as reference
- Please email proof of payment to
- Confirmation of your valid entry will be emailed to you, after the signed entry form has been received and after payments have been received for all members of your team
- The OC committee have tried to lock in all costs as far as possible, but reserve the right to request a top-up payment if necessary (depending on National Parks accommodation rates)
As before, allocations will be done for whole teams, in order to keep team members together. The allocation will be based on points earned for event service (including sponsorship), event loyalty (number of previous Heritage Rides entered) and team payment date. If payments are done individually, the team payment date used will be the date that the team payment is completed, that is the last date of payment by a team member
- Please advise the organisers of any special dietary restrictions (e.g. vegetarian) on the on-line registration
- Please advise the organisers of any other special entry requirements on the on-line registration
The entry fee includes a tee-shirt for riders and seconds. These are ordered according to standard population size profiles, and allocated on a first come first served basis
As in the past, each rider will be provided with an event Cycle Jersey. Please complete the “Cycle Jersey Size” on the entry form correctly. The shirts are a very snug fit (slightly smaller than normal), and are produced in unisex size and design. Once ordered as per your entry form we are not responsible for fitting! Please specify sleeve length; long sleeves are recommended as protection from sunburn and thorns unless you specifically prefer short sleeves. Riders who have completed at least two days of any four previous Heritage rides will receive special BLUE shirts (subject to regulations). Riders who have completed at least two days of any nine previous Heritage rides will receive special GOLD shirts (subject to regulations) Please take the time to measure your chest and check the size chart below
XXSmall | 91.0 |
XSmall | 94.0 |
Small | 97.0 |
Medium | 100.0 |
Large | 103.5 |
Xlarge | 107.5 |
XXLarge | 112.0 |
3XL | 117.0 |
4XL | 123.5 |
5XL | 129.5 |
6XL | 136.0 |
- Solo riders are not accepted
- Riders under 16 years are not accepted
- Teams must comprise 2 or 3 riders. Larger groups may ride together but groups must be split up for registration
- Teams have to stay together and members ride within 1 minute of each other. Checkpoints will be enforced
- The last person to cross the finish line in each team will determine the overall time of that team
- To obtain an event placing, at least two members of that team must complete the whole event
- All competitors must attend daily briefings
- All competitors must follow the route on their GPS. No deviations allowed
- The entry/indemnity form must be signed and handed in to the organisers upon registration
- There will be no medical team following up. Please note that any medical costs, including evacuations, are for the competitors account and not the organisers
- Helmets are compulsory
- Competitors must carry extra water & snacks on the ride
- All teams will conduct themselves in a sportsmanship like manner throughout the event
- The organisers reserve the right at their discretion to disqualify, bar or refuse participation of any competitor
- Towel and Bedding (e.g. pillow and sleeping bag). Tents and Mattresses will be provided
- Torch or Headlight
- Mosquito Repellent
- Optional: Folding chair
The Event Director reserves the right to conduct spot checks and to disallow any rider from starting, or continuing, without the required essential kit items, which are:
- Mountain Bike in roadworthy condition
- No helmet no ride
- GPS (Garmin preferred) with route loaded. There are NO markings along the route, a GPS is essential
- Spare batteries or power-bank for GPS to last the entire challenge as charging facilities are limited
- Whistle
- Cell phone, fully charged and with air time. Please note there is limited cell phone network coverage in the Matobo Hills. Ask local people for information about the nearest cell phone signal
- Water, minimum of a litre per hour, subject to water points. Recommend camel-back or two 750ml bottles of energy drink or water
- ID card, Medical Aid card and some cash, US$10 in small denomination notes (for emergency transport)
- First Aid Kit consisting of foil survival blanket, three (3) wound dressings, plasters, anti-inflammatory tablets, pain relief tablets, tweezers. “Smart bandages” are recommended
- Eye protection (goggles or sunglasses)
- Repair Kit to include: tyre pump, tubes, puncture repair kit, chain break, quick links, spare hanger, multi-tool, tyre levers. Tubeless tyres are highly recommended
- Sufficient specialised food on the ride. There will be some food at the main water points
- Sun block
- Optional kit: Camera or helmet-cam
- There will be no medical team following up, as many parts of the route are inaccessible to vehicles
- There will be stretchers at water points, to enable uninjured riders to carry injured colleagues to the nearest road
- Any medical costs, including evacuations, are for the competitor’s account and not the organisers
- All meals are included in the entry fee. Meals covered are – Wednesday dinner, Thursday full board, Friday full board, Saturday full board including the final dinner and prize giving on Saturday evening, Sunday breakfast
- There can be no refund for meals missed
- Water points are included in the entry fee
- Limited drinks will be available at the finish line. Cash bar will available in race villages
- Entrants are responsible for their own recovery drinks and any specialised training foods
- The route has been changed so that Day 1 and Day 2 start at Maleme, so it is not mandatory for teams to have seconds or drivers to take riders to the start
- Teams are however welcome to bring seconds or drivers. The registration fee for seconds includes race village accommodation with the team and all meals, but EXCLUDES the cycle jersey and water points. The registration fee for drivers EXCLUDES accommodation (they should bring their own tents) but includes staff meals
- Responsibilities of the seconds / drivers include:
- Attending briefings, to hear about the road routes to the support points
- Going to support points and waiting there until their teams are through
- Collection of riders and bikes who cannot complete any section
- Relocation of vehicles and personal belongings of riders from Maleme to Camp Dwala on Friday
- Seconds will only be able to support teams on the parts of the event accessible to vehicles, but will be able to enjoy some great scenery as they drive to the support points
- Vehicles need to have really good clearance as the roads to Camp Dwala and to the support points are very rural and may be eroded
- Seconds and drivers MUST be included on the team’s on-line registration. We cannot make late catering and accommodation arrangements so please ensure that your full team is correctly entered
- For teams without seconds or drivers, the organising committee will hire temporary drivers to take vehicles and personal belongings from Maleme to Camp Dwala on Friday
- There is an extra fee of $50 per vehicle for this service, which must be booked IN ADVANCE
- Please ensure that your vehicle insurance provides for third party drivers
- Please remove your possessions from the vehicle and hand in your keys at the Maleme check-in desk on Wednesday
The last day will start and end at Camp Dwala. Families are most welcome to join in, and are asked to ensure that they park only in designated areas, and not on the event route. Please advise the organisers 14 days in advance about extra meal requirements for family members
River swimming pools are available for competitors and families alike – but obviously priority for camping etc. must be given to the competitors
The prize giving will take place at approximately 16:30 hours on the kopjie above Camp Dwala on the Saturday evening, followed by a special celebration dinner. We know some competitors may be tempted to leave early so as to travel home, but for those from out of Bulawayo we strongly urge you to stay the extra evening at Camp Dwala and leave early on the Sunday morning. It is approximately one hour to Bulawayo from Camp Dwala, and the road may not be in good shape. Anyone thinking of traveling after the prize-giving should consider that any travel will be in the dark, which is not safe in Zimbabwe. We don’t want to end this event with any road accidents, please
Each participant is asked to supply their own bedding. Tents will include mattresses
- MALEME REST CAMP on Wednesday & Thursday August
National Parks accommodation shall be allocated based on payment date and event loyalty, with tented accommodation for the overflow. There will be no refund for variances in type of allotted accommodation
- CAMP DWALA on Friday & Saturday August
There is limited accommodation which is reserved for sponsor representatives. All other competitors will be accommodated in the tented village. There will be no refunds for variances in the type of allotted accommodation
Matobo MTB Route
The route has been carefully selected to incorporate many features of, and places of special interest within, the Matobo Hills World Heritage Site. We have been given permission to cycle through the Matobo Game Park – home to Zimbabwe’s largest white rhino population! The route also goes through the Matobo National Park and it gives you some great cycling.