About MCS

The Matobo Conservation Society is committed to the conservation, appreciation and sustainable use of the natural and cultural resources within the Matobo Hills region.

The objectives of the society are:

to foster and promote all aspects of conservation of the natural resources and historical heritage of the Matobo Hills, within the Umzingwane and Matobo Administrative Districts and including the Matobo National Park, the Rhodes Matopos Estates, the communal lands (Matobo, Gulati, and Khumalo Communal Lands) and the commercial farming areas within the area of the Matobo Hills, hereinafter referred to as “the Hills”.

to instil into the inhabitants of the area and all Zimbabweans, tourists, and other persons the vital necessity to conserve the area for benefit of future generations.

to provide conservation education to the inhabitants, especially the children, so as to provide for the sustainable use, and where necessary, reclamation of the environment, and to contribute to a meaningful improvement in their standard of living.

to ensure that the Hills receive their rightful international and local recognition and protection.

to seek the cooperation of the Government of Zimbabwe, including relevant Government Ministries and Departments, local authorities and other societies, organizations, associations, groups and other bodies or individuals in any matter concerned directly or indirectly in the Hills in any way to conserve the natural and historical resources of the Hills, especially;

  • the indigenous trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses and other flora, and the wildlife, including mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and other fauna.
  • the rivers, dams, wet-lands, and other water resources,
  • the soil, minerals and all contained there-in,
  • the historical sites, including burial grounds, battle sites, painted caves, religious sites and mountains.

to encourage scientific research into all facets of the Hills, and to ensure that such research is conducted in the most appropriate manner.

to promote, initiate and support legislation designed to achieve any of the objects of the society.
