Calendar of Forthcoming Events

Calendar of Events

  • 23-25 August 2024: Matopos Heritage Trail Run
  • 17 November 2024: Annual General Meeting.  Venue TBA
  • 22-24 November 2024: Matopos Classic
  • 26-30 March 2025: 16th Matopos Heritage MTB Challenge

 Matopos Field Trips

The MCS arranges a quarterly field trip to the Matobo Hills. These are single-day trips to a place of interest within the World Heritage Site, usually on a Sunday.

Members bring their own picnic teas and lunches. Guests and non-members are welcome.

Dates to be advised in newsletters. The rough schedule is as follows:

  • Feb/Mar Wet weather outing, often to seasonal river or waterfall
  • Apr/May Autumn outing, to take advantage of magnificent weather
  • Jun/Jul Cold weather outing, with brisk walks
  • Aug/Sep Spring outing, often to observe new leaf flush

